We supply your school with a complete assortment of gifts, 100+ items with back up stock. The items cost the school between $0.25 & $12.50. Most of the merchandise is under $3.50. The gifts have been carefully selected to appeal to the children, yet the parents can receive them with enthusiasm. The gifts are packed by price, making it easy for your volunteers to inventory and display. - WHAT PROFIT CAN WE EXPECT?
We suggest 20% mark-up but we give you a suggested resale price of 10% and 30% as well. You may choose to run the program as a fund-raiser or as a service to the children. The choice is entirely up to you and your parent group. - WHAT KIND OF HELP DO WE RECEIVE?
Free supplies (including a parent letter and money saving envelope for each student, promo posters, promo door panel, table cloths and pricing stickers), free delivery & pick up of merchandise and best of all, free daily re-order service to restock items for which you need additional quantity. 4 different sizes of gift bags will be provided so each student can wrap their items prior to taking them home. - WHAT IF THERE ARE SOME ITEMS WE DON’T WANT?
As in all cases, each of us have our own opinion on what we like and dislike. In order for us to service the school properly and offer the profits that we do, we must pack with some uniformity and in advance. Since the items are on consignment, we suggest that you let the children decide which items they prefer. However, if you object to an item, don’t display it. - WHEN SHOULD WE HOLD OUR GIFT SHOP?
The best time is right after Thanksgiving. It seems that the Holiday spirit fills the air and makes the event more exciting. Most schools run the shop for three to five days Monday-Friday. - WHEN AND HOW SHOULD WE SIGN UP?
The earlier you sign up to run the program, the better bonus incentives your school will receive. Visit our website at https://holidaygiftshopbayarea.com/holiday-gift-shops/ to learn more about sign up bonuses. - CAN WE SEE THE GIFT SELECTIONS PRIOR TO HOLDING OUR GIFT SHOP?
Yes, you may view photos of this year’s product line on our website at https://holidaygiftshopbayarea.com/holiday-giftshops/. We are happy to send a sample box of items to your school at no cost or obligation. Just ask! - WE NEED A DEPOSIT?
No, the gifts are sent on consignment. We will collect our copy of the inventory sheets and your check or cash at the end of your event. - HOW DO WE RETURN UNSOLD GIFTS?
In most cases, we will pick them up on the Monday following the conclusion of your gift shop. Your inventory and payment should be ready by 9:00AM on your scheduled pick up day. - WHEN WILL YOU DELIVER OUR MERCHANDISE?
Due to the fact that many schools require delivery on the same day, we cannot give a specific time of delivery. However, delivery will be the week prior to the start of your gift shop. - HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO SET UP?
With the help of 4 parents it should take about 2 hours to inventory and display the gifts. This estimate does not include decorating, which can be done before the supplies arrive. - WHAT ABOUT INVENTORY?
We have a couple of options for you. Our Traditional Inventory and No-Count Inventory programs allow the shop to fit your needs. With Traditional inventory, you will need to count in and count out your inventory. With this option, you can mix and match your mark-up. If you would like to count less, we offer the No-Count program where you chose one straight mark up of 10%, 15%, 20% or 30%, and then call in your sales at the end of each day. - HOW DO WE GET REORDERS?
Call or email and tell us which item(s) you need resupplied. Call and place your re-order by 4:00PM to receive next day service. - WHAT IF WE HAVE MORE QUESTIONS?
Just give us a call, visit our website or email your questions to us. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you.
1262A Lawrence Station Road, Sunnyvale, CA 94089
408 745-1976
Email us through our Contact Form